The PEDS-R Response Form is printed in English and Spanish. Print users can order pads as needed. Click Here for ordering information.

We have many translations of the PEDS-R Response Form that we license for those using PEDS-R both in print and online for languages other than English and Spanish. PEDS has been translated into Albanian, Amharic, Arabic, Armenian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese (Traditional and Simplified characters), Congolese Swahili, Danish, Dutch, Dzongkha, Farsi, Filipino Tagalog, French, Galician, German, Greek, Gujarati, Haitian-Creole, Hebrew, Hindi, Hmong, Icelandic, Indonesian, Karen, Korean, Laotian, Malay, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese and Cape Verdean, Punjabi, Quechua, Russian, Serbian (Cyrillic and Latin), Samoan, Somali, Sotho, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Taiwanese, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Visayan, Yoruba and Zulu, with other languages being added all the time. To license these translations for use in either print or PEDS Online, please contact us for a license agreement.

PEDS:DM is printed in English and Spanish. Print users can order physical copies here. Click Here for ordering information.

PEDS:DM has been translated into Arabic, Burmese, Taiwanese (Chinese Traditional characters), French-Canadian, Korean, Lao, Portuguese, Samoan, Swahili, Tamil, Turkish and Vietnamese with other languages in progress. For licensing PEDS: DM translations please contact us with your needs.

For users of PEDS Online, .pdfs of all translations of the PEDS-R Response Form are freely provided as part of the PEDS Online licensing agreement as are printable copies of the Modified Checklist of Autism in Toddlers-Revised (M-CHAT-R) in all available languages. For PEDS Online users wanting to use the PEDS:DM Screening Level, physical copies of the PEDS:DM Family Book in English and Spanish are needed. PEDS Online with the PEDS:DM Screening Level is available in English and will become available in Spanish.

PEDS:DM Assessment Level is available through PEDS Online in English with Spanish coming soon! Click Here for more information or to try it for free!